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高雄市Walking Through Every Street And Lane, Trying to Find Every Story Desiring Success
行業別: 網路服務
張貼者: oceancitykh      張貼日期:2020/9/1

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大高雄電子商圈/專題報導 2012/03/13

Walking Through Every Street And Lane, Trying to Find Every Story Desiring Success

  In recent years, movies made in Taiwan have seen trying to depict details of all walks of lives. In such movie, characters' lines and performance reflect our life experience. Moreover, these movies show how normal people strive to success with their perseverance and determination. In Kaohsiung, here are some representative people and industry worthy to introduce to the world their legends. And this is what Come Best desires to discover. Come Best regards searching for stories about success as its destiny, and hopes to introduce these cases to the world. The following cases are Joymay Cakes, Chen-Yi Lock Store, and M-Shu Interior Design.

Such a Fantastic Flavor that Captures Hong Kong Visitor's Taste

港都鹹Q餅,高雄鳳梨酥,鳳黃酥  Joymay Cakes, a normal old cake store, without any ostentatious decorations, defeated myriads of brand new cake stores by its unique flavor. Its pineapple cake is the most distinctive. Joymay's chef Mr. Chen mentioned as long as there were tourists from Hong Kong, they must buy several gift boxes of pineapple cake to share with their relatives in Hong Kong. Moreover, its pineapple cake was ever picked as "ten of the most valuable souvenirs" in 2007. Even a news reporter of a famous travel magazine in Hong Kong particularly came to interview Mr. Chen. Though it caused a stir in Kaohsiung and Hong Kong, it still hided with its simplicity in Liou-He Rd.

Conquering Your Hard Lock—the Lock Smith of Lock Smiths

開鎖,裝鎖,配鎖,修鎖  Within 40 years' experience, Mr. Huang is specifically skillful at unlocking intricate locks. In Kaohsiung, most of his customers live in the mansions next to the Kaohsiung museum, because the structure of the lock of mansion is especially complicate. Many locksmiths wave white flag to them. However, it is just so marvelous that Mr. Huang completes this mission impossible! The word of mouth/mouse soon spreads out, even some people drive to Kaohsiung, hoping Mr. Huang can conquer their intricatelocks. Now Mr. Huang finally has a blog for his lock store, so that he can browse messages for him from the Internet.

Bon Vivant! The Sense of Life

高雄,嘉義,台南,屏東,空間設計,室內設計,室內設計教學,室內設計課程,室內裝修課程  "The Soul of Design is not selling out a commodity but making a dream come true." Said Mr. Huang—the designer of M-Shu Interior Design. When dealing with a new case, Mr. Huang always repetitively emphasizes on the barrier between reality and fantasy. He hopes all of his clients can think twice about designing their houses. Also, he always accurately makes budgets for his clients. Thus, his clients always trusted him. He said once he moved his workshop to a new place, and he found the doorplate was incongruous with his workshop, so he tore it down. Even so, his clients still found him since the special design of his workshop was so conspicuous. This year, he wanted to nourished more successors as long as people who were interested in interior design.

  All of the above cases apparently explain the reason they success is because of their insistence of the quality of their products and techniques. They didn't spend much money on TV commercial; yet their fame still spread widely. Their stories reflect the simplicity and pragmatism of Kaohsiung people! Come Best will continue this mission of discovering these stories to people who are interested in recognizing Kaohsiung.

The Ocean City-Kaohsung, Taiwan「台灣高雄雲端商業中心」 台灣, 高雄, 行銷國際, 雲端商業中心, 》

The Ocean City-Kaohsung, Taiwan:http://oceancity.ezcity.com.tw

D 刊登報導服務專線:07-5582965

類別: 台灣, 台灣行銷國際, 台灣雲端商業中心, 高雄, 高雄行銷國際, 高雄雲端商業中心, 行銷國際, 雲端商業中心, , 高雄美食, 美食, 高雄美食餐廳, 美食餐廳


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